NURS 1-710 Federal Requirements: Nursing Services, Dietary, Physicians, Dental, Pharmacy, Physical Environment, Administration

Price: $34.00
Federal Requirements: Nursing Services, Dietary, Physicians, Dental, Pharmacy, Physical Environment, Administration (9.75 Contact Hours; $34)
Nurses working in long term care must know the Federal Requirements and Guidelines to Surveyors in order to provide appropriate care to their patients. The federal government’s Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) have sent 40+ year developing guidance on appropriate care planning and quality of nursing care measures. This course explores the insights provided by CMS for nurses’ guidance in patient care giving.

What you will learn:
In this course, LTCE 1-710 you will learn the content and how surveyors are instructed to interpret the Ftags governing Nursing Services, Dietary, Physicians, Dental, Pharmacy, Physical Environment and Administration.

Contact Hours for Nursing Continuing Education

All states that require Nursing Continuing Education accept courses from this website (

This continuing nursing education course is approved by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC) for nurses seeking continuing education contact hours in all states that require continuing education to maintain your nursing license. All states that require Nursing Continuing Education accept courses which have been approved by another state board of nursing. Our courses have been approved by the North Carolina State Board of Nursing (one of ANCC’s official approvers) so if your state requires continuing education contact hours (CEs) you can take your contact hours from this website

Electronic Payments